Lectura de practica: Parts of brain
Aprender un vocabulario médico especializado en el idioma inglés es de vital importancia en el campo de la medicina y la salud. El inglés es considerado el idioma universal de la ciencia y la investigación médica, y el dominio de este idioma permite a los profesionales de la salud acceder a una amplia gama de recursos, comunicarse efectivamente con colegas internacionales y mantenerse actualizados con los avances médicos más recientes.
Lectura de práctica: parts of brain
The brain is a complex structure composed of several parts that work together to control and coordinate various functions of the body. Here are the translations of the mentioned parts that compose the brain:
- Cerebral cortex: It is the outer layer of the brain and is divided into two hemispheres, right and left. The cerebral cortex is involved in higher functions such as thinking, perception, language, and decision-making.
- Translation: Corteza cerebral
- Brain lobes: The brain lobes are functional divisions of the cerebral cortex. The main lobes are:
- Diencephalon: It is a region located beneath the cerebral cortex and comprises the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland. The diencephalon is responsible for regulating functions such as sleep, body temperature, hunger, thirst, and hormone release.
- Translation: Diencéfalo
- Cerebellum: It is located at the back of the brain, beneath the cerebral hemispheres. The cerebellum is involved in balance control, motor coordination, and motor learning.
- Translation: Cerebelo
- Brainstem: It is the lower part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the brain. The brainstem includes structures such as the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. These structures play a crucial role in vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, sleep regulation, and consciousness.
- Translation: Tronco cerebral
These are just some of the main parts that compose the brain. Each of them has specific functions and works together to enable the functioning of the central nervous system.
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